Saturday, February 29, 2020

Aviation Regulatory Framework Comparison UK Vs USA Engineering Essay

Aviation Regulatory Framework Comparison UK Vs USA Engineering Essay This report looks at the aviation regulatory framework in both the United Kingdom and the United States, their differences and similarities. Due to the high level of cooperation between the FAA and the CAA and also EASA most regulation is very similar if not the same. By looking at the structure and functions of the regulatory bodies in terms of safety and security it is obvious that because the two countries are aiming for the same high level of safety that they should be taking the same steps in order to do this. The main difference between the regulation of civil aviation between the two countries is the fact that the FAA is the regulation making body for the US alone whereas the UK has regulation passed to it from EASA which the CAA has to implement over and above any regulations the CAA or the British government may have had in place previously. The US has a system where the FAA literally regulates every single aspect of civil aviation and although they freely communicate their findings and recommendations with foreign countries the FAA alone control us Regulatory framework reporting only to the Department of Transport. Introduction In this report the aviation regulatory framework of the United Kingdom will be compared and contrasted with the aviation regulatory framework of the United States. The report will describe the structure and functions of the bodies responsible for aviation regulation in both countries while addressing the responsibilities of airports, airlines and aircraft manufacturers within the respective frameworks. The issue of UK regulation being underpinned by EU legislation will also be discussed and anomalies between the UK and US framework will be identified. Report In the UK the secretary of state for transport is the government minister responsible for civil aviation. This position is currently held by the Rt Hon Lord Andrew Adonis who oversees the Department for Transport (DfT) which is involved in a number of areas in civil aviati on although the regulation and supervision of civil aviation is the function of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Aviation Regulation in the United Kingdom is statute law created by acts of parliament most of which is covered by the Civil Aviation Act 1982 which lays down the roles of the main authorities for the control and regulation of civil aviation in the UK, mostly covered by the secretary of state for transport, the department for transport and mainly the CAA. The Civil Aviation Act 1982 aims to deal with issues of roles, functions, duties and policies but does not act alone as other legislation affects civil aviation regulation. For example international conventions such as the Warsaw Convention and the Airport Act 1986 which provides of most of the regulation for UK airports (Blackshaw, 1992, p. 30). Civil aviation in the UK is also influenced heavily by EASA who will be discussed in detail later. The CAA is the National Aviation Authority (NAA) for the UK and amongst oth er things deals with most of the key functions of the regulation of civil aviation.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Emotional Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Emotional Intelligence - Essay Example a conclusion through rational logic, rather than a highly driven emotional state that could lead towards a heightened sense of mental capacity that would be erratically charged. In the changing business climate, owners are faced with the task of initiating business practices that seek to maximize capabilities of staff to reaching the overall goals to be met by the corporation itself. Enabling stakeholders in the group process to work together in such a manner that they are able to perform the necessary tasks involved for proper management and production decisions. When it comes to such things, â€Å"As thinking human beings, we value our rationality and cognitive powers that set us apart from the animal kingdom. The neo-cortex, the center for rational thinking and decision-making, is the newer part of the brain that is highly developed in humans. The emotional parts of the brain are located in the more ancient, central parts of the brain called the limbic system, including the amygdala, the center active during anger,† Going on to say that, â€Å"All emotions are in essence impulses to act. The very root of the word is from the Latin verb to move. That emotions lead to actions is obvious from watching animals or children. Only in civilized adults do we expect actions to be divorced from emotional reactions. But even as highly intelligent and civilized adults, we can never disengage our emotional brain ¾ it is always there, sending emotional signals to act and react, even when there is no logic. Most people believe that emotions are caused by events. They are in fact caused by our interpretations of events, sometimes so fleeting and fast as to be beneath the level of consciousness. Our pre-conscious, split-second thoughts give rise to automatic emotional reactions. We then have a choice as to how we behave, what we say, and how we handle a situation. The appropriateness of our actions and the effectiveness of our communications make up our emotional intelligence. A

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Immigration - Essay Example To name a few, high wages, enhanced social mobility and raised social status are the important ones. The readiness of the employers to hire undocumented workers is a guarantee to the prospective illegal immigrant for the life he/she aspires. Throughout the history of America, people of differing ideologies have generally agreed on immigration controls. Public opinion polls have continually shown an overwhelming opposition to illegal immigration as well as for the concept of amnesty. The most persuasive rationale to be in opposition to this latest bill again does not respect the rule of law. There have been controversies regarding the political loyalties, work habits and moral values of the immigrants. Amnesty for illegal aliens is the cornerstone of both John McCain and Barack Obama’s immigration policy. Amnesty is merely a reward for law-breaking and by whatever name, causes ever escalating future illegal immigration. â€Å"No system depending on a strict regard for the rule of law can treat law-breaking so casually† (Erler, 2004). Those who favor amnesty for illegal aliens, specifically those crossing the southern border do not seem to realize that a crime has been committed and not, as they might have you believe, one without a victim. A cluster of criminal activities exist in order to make illegal immigration possible. Since the deportation of illegal immigrants is not a criminal activity, it is more of an administrative function than a judicial one. Therefore, an efficient executive branch is central to the right handling of the issue of illegal immigration. The executive branch is charged with enforcing the law pertaining to illegal immigration. Nevertheless, none of the Presidential candidates has pledged to make the executive proactive against illegal immigration. It is often noted by many an observer that the number of illegal immigrants is outpacing the number of legal ones and it is a rapidly growing